Chapter Text
Chapter 11
Operation: Radio Silence
February, 3029.
Back in the home of the First Regiment, Gino stood in the dining room with his arms crossed, as he gazed through the sliding glass door towards the distant lights of Lumiose City. It was only him and Clay left in the house, for the other four and their pokemon had left to transfer Tyrene into her hospital room.
“Gino.” Clay came in from the hallway with Empoleon behind him. “Yes. House surveillance is muted now. Whoever’s been listening to us all this time will figure it out soon.” Gino explained without moving from his stance.
Clay sat in the armchair behind Gino as Empoleon walked out the front door. The two men were silent for a few moments. “…. Do you know who had access to our surveillance? Or how long?” Clay asked. “I don’t.”
Clay sighed. “…. It’s your invention, Gino. The knitted channel you made to connect all of Lumiose’s surveillance feed into one stream has been crucial for a decade’s worth of missions. I don’t think we would’ve been able to function as public defenders that Rangers should be without it…. What should we do?”
The passing of time felt heavy on the two men’s shoulders as both devised plans in their heads. The pressure to act was high, but they knew that with most of the team absent, their options would be limited. The hum of the internal heater emanated to life within the home’s walls. The flames of the fireplace reflected in Clay’s focused eyes while he battled the terror of his team’s secrets falling into the wrong hands. And perhaps they already have.
“Let’s destroy it.” Gino broke the silence. Clay was slightly stunned by the suggestion but could develop a rationale behind it. “…. Are you sure?” was all Clay replied with.
“Do you think this is Molcanloc? I’ll be clear. They’ve been our enemy for years. But I still can’t point them out in a crowd. Sure. My knitted channel has been useful. But can you think of one mission that was a complete success? I can’t. They have always outsmarted or outnumbered us in the end. In one way or another. Most recently, we’ve made a lead on who had been targeting Shauna and Triple C. But Shauna is still dead. And the construction site is still destroyed. Clay. Aren’t you sick of losing?”
A fleeting thought passed through Clay’s mind. An image of Tyrene’s mangled body laying before him came and went. “Gino, as captain of the First Regiment, I have to uphold the PRA’s code of conduct. Not only to please my superiors, but to set an example for my team and the other regiments. We are not permitted to operate as an independent entity.”
Clay leaned back, staring into the ceiling. “…But command doesn’t know anything. Rather than conforming my squad into the ideal regiment by PRA standards, we should be the change we want to see within the force…. I can tell you’ve been as impatient as me. I like your plan, Gino. Let’s destroy your signal.”
Gino circled the living room with his arms crossed. Clay sat still, rubbing his chin. Gino paced the room again, pulling his tablet out and swiping his fingers across the screen a few times. From under his brow he eyed the camera in the corner of the room, before pressing a button that said, ‘playback recording’ on his tablet’s screen. “Now…. We’re muted.”
“How was my acting?” Clay asked. “Probably over did it. But it might be good enough to lure somebody out. So what’s the real plan? I can disable the knitted channel tower from here. It won’t be long for anybody else using that frequency to notice.” Gino explained.
“We’ll still go. If anyone shows, then we’ll be able to tell how important your knitted channel is to them. If they appear, Empoleon and I will be at the tower to meet them. I want you and Magnezone to scramble the Second Regiment and then cover the perimeter. Get them connected to a secure frequency too, so you may have to gather them in person.”
Clay stood up from his chair. “Grab anything else you’ll need, and hurry.” Clay began making his way towards the team’s storage area in the basement, with Gino right behind him. They quickly assembled their gear and armor.
“I’m grabbing the Model-N. This is all or nothing.” Clay said, activating a pair of storage doors to open in the wall. Inside the container, a sleek, robotic suit of thin armor with large, metal scales wrapping around its entirety. Clay looked at his reflection in the armor’s breastplate.
“Aight, one more.” The basketball court was lit up. It was the only space left in the empty gym with its lights on. Sweat dripped from the player’s face as he dribbled the ball in place, ready to go. The light glistened from the wetness of his shaved head and bare shoulders. His tired eyes were fixated on his opponent.
Across from the player was a Toxicroak, who stood ready to guard, with his webbed hands held out to his sides. The pokemon watched the human player’s feet with anticipation.
The player rushed towards the Toxicroak, attempting to bank around him by faking him out. Toxicroak was wary of this, following the player’s movement as closely as he could, not trying to predict what he would do.
The player quickly became caught in the Toxicroak’s impeccable defense and broke away from the pokemon, towards the three-point line. As he began another push around Toxicroak’s other side, he faked the pokemon out successfully, going for a three-point shot.
With his incredible agility, Toxicroak ran to the basketball hoop and swatted the ball away just as it was falling into the net. “Yea what the fuck ever, dude. I woulda sank that shit on a person.” The player panted, putting his hands on his knees momentarily. Toxicroak pounded his chest in victory.
“Captain Barbarossa.” Gino’s voice called from the sidelines. The player and Toxicroak turned their heads. “…Oh shit. That you, Lynn?” Barbarossa asked. Gino stood fully adorned in his all-black combat gear. He held his helmet and goggles against his hip as he approached Barbarossa and Toxicroak.
“Did somethin happen, Lynn?” “I’ve brought a collaboration request. Clay needs help on a current mission.” Gino handed Barbarossa a small pager. Barbarossa gave Toxicroak an uneasy look before activating the pager, projecting a holographic message, describing the mission briefing that Clay had crafted for Barbarossa’s eyes.
The captain of the Second Regiment only looked more confused and shocked as he silently read the message. “Aye Toxicroak, can you grab my towel?” Barbarossa requested; wiping sweat away from his nose as he skimmed the message the pager displayed for him.
After reading, Barbarossa began to speak. “…You know… Imma keep it real with you, Lynn. I kinda assumed in one way or another that PRA network security wasn’t in tip top shape. Shit, you know what it’s like accessing the PRA database to update mission reports and all that bullshit, it’s too…. Easy. It’s too simple. And I always thought it was weird how dealing with official Pokemon Ranger documents and evidence felt similar to sendin emails on my home computer.”
“…But that’s not what I’m hung up on. Pendale is makin it seem like whoever had our shit compromised is out for blood too. And I’m just sittin here like… Who? Why? What the fuck the Rangers do? Besides soak up tax money and be lazy?” Barbarossa wiped his face with the towel Toxicroak gave him.
“We’re hoping we’ll find out tonight. If Clay’s predictions are right.” Gino said. “…Does anyone from command know what you guys are tryin to do? I imagine takin out a communications tower would be some serious shit.” Barbarossa inquired.
“It will be reported. After the mission.”
Barbarossa looked doubtful as he reread the instructions Clay had given him and his team. He sighed in displeasure, wiping his face with his towel before putting his hands on his knees. “…. I don’t usually see you guys call the Second Regiment for help. But it looks like you and Captain Pendale are serious about this.”
“We crafted this mission all on our own. With that in mind we take all responsibility with what happens.” Gino said plainly.
“…Heard.” Barbarossa wrapped the towel around his neck, looking at Toxicroak. “…. We joined the Rangers cause we wanted to help people, right? Flood really fucked everyone up, and everybody still fucked up to this day now that the city is so much bigger. So it was to my disappointment that the Pokemon Rangers have been pulling back on their influence in the city, and that ever since we joined and became Squad leaders, command ain’t really give a fuck about what we do or what we should do. Now, I like Commander Kayle and a few other Majors, but the inaction from the rest of our superiors has been overpowering. We got no General to be a leader anymore, not since Giriki died fighting Lugia.”
Barbarossa took a long breath. Gino wasn’t expecting him to have so much to say when presenting the mission briefing to him. “You know what the other thing is? People just don’t like us anymore. I don’t wear my uniform outside of headquarters. I remember the looks I’d get from everybody when I would, the looks they’d give Toxicroak…. The shit I’ve heard said….”
“But I’m still here. Because I believe Rangers SHOULD be heroes. So whatever this shit you and Pendale cooked up is…. is this gonna save lives?” Barbarossa asked. Gino seemed confused by the question at first, reactively nodding while looking away as he thought for a moment.
“… Envision the ideal Ranger. Now imagine the opposite. Those are people we are trying to draw out.” Gino said.
Barbarossa rubbed his chin. “Hmmm… Now I ain’t the typa guy to go lookin for trouble. But a REAL Ranger wouldn’t ignore evil-ass people. Toxicroak ‘n I will head to these coordinates Pendale’s got for me and set up. Are you grabbin the other two? I know you’d reach ‘em, way quicker on Magnezone than we could.” He said.
Gino nodded. “Then that’s that. Looks like we gonna be late gettin to bed, big man.” Barbarossa patted Toxicroak’s shoulder as they headed to grab their stuff.
“All the equipment you need should be there, Captain.” Gino said, turning away. “… And thank you.”
“Aye, Pokemon Rangers should be doin Pokemon Ranger shit.”
Along Main Street, close to the heart of Downtown Lumiose City, the other two members of the Second Regiment were seated at a casino, gazing over a massive roulette wheel. The wheel had a 30 ft radius and was encased in a glass dome. At its center was a Pikachu, patiently waiting as it stared at the hole directly above on the ceiling.
With a loud dinging sound, the enormous roulette wheel began to spin. A ball was ejected from the ceiling, where Pikachu then smacked it with its tail, causing it to ricochet around the inside of the dome. Colorful lights illuminated the impact of each ball-bounce against the glass, before losing momentum and bouncing around the spinning numbers. Eventually the ball and the wheel slowed to a stop, where it rested in the slot of number 28.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” One of the Second Regiment members placed his hand on the dome in shock and frustration. “I told you, Jordan. Bet on even.” The other member said, swiping a card in a small betting machine next to them. “Beth. It’s been even five fucking times in a row. I know the moment I bet even it’s gonna be odd!” Jordan hissed, spinning towards Beth, pushing his long raggedy blonde hair away from his face.
A pair of coos could be heard behind them. Beth and Jordan turned around, seeing their pokemon, Pidgeot looking at them with pondering eyes. “…. What’s with that look? I’m not broke just yet.” Jordon said, turning back to the roulette wheel.
Beth then felt a buzz in her pocket. She pulled her phone out, reading the notification. “… Hey Jordan. We’re getting called for a work thing…” Beth said. “What? No way. It’s like the middle of the night.” Jordan kept watching the wheel spin. “This is from the First Regiment…” Beth reiterated. Jordan froze, slowly turning around. “… What the hell do they want?”
Leaving the casino, they walked out to a courtyard nearby. With their footsteps crunching in the snow, they approached a fountain with a statue of the legendary Xerneas in the center, the fountain itself disabled and frozen. Gino sat on the edge of the fountain’s stone retaining wall, waiting for Jordan and Beth.
There were still sparse groups of people and pokemon lingering around, partiers that were all finding venues still open, or heading home for the night. But all still out of earshot in the enormous courtyard, paying no mind to the individual in full combat gear chilling in the center at the fountain.
Jordan and Beth looked at Gino worriedly, noticing his getup. Magnezone caught Pidgeot’s eye, hovering far above the fountain. The surrounding city lights gave the dark silhouettes of the people and pokemon a tint of pink and blue. Its glint hid Gino’s eyes behind its own reflection on his glasses.
“What’s going on, Gino?” Jordan asked suspiciously. In Gino’s hands was a tablet, its screen blank. “Clay is summoning you guys. He needs help catching a suspect. A killer. Maybe many.” Gino said.
“Right now?... We’re on our weekend, Gino. Can’t he call one of the other teams? Like someone who’s… on call?” Jordan retaliated. Gino didn’t say anything, turning his tablet on and playing a recording of Barbarossa, projecting his image in a hologram suspended right above the screen.
“You two better listen to Officer Lynn when he comes. I gotta feelin y’all gonna try and slither out of this mission, but this is some serious shit you hear me? Imma meet you guys once Lynn shows you where y’all gotta go. And I WILL see you guys, got it?” The recording ended.
“You’re kidding me?” Jordan rubbed his face in frustration. “Okay, what is it? I’d rather captain yell at us over a recording than in person.” Beth said. Gino handed her a piece of paper. On it were coordinates written in pen.
“Head there. Barbarossa is waiting for you with equipment. Then fortify at your second destinations. After the mission we meet at Lumiose Regional Hospital. That’s all.” Gino stood up. “You’re dismissed.”
“Okay??? Why not give us this shit over the phone? I feel like we’re not being very efficient here, man.” Jordan said sternly. “I said you’re dismissed.” Gino repeated.
“Come on, Jordan. Let’s just get to Barbarossa and see what’s up.” Beth pulled him away by the shoulder. “What a bunch of Swinub shit.” Jordan hissed, as him and Beth climbed upon Pidgeot’s back. The pokemon bolted into the night sky carrying the two seamlessly.
Gino huffed, removing his glasses and placing his helmet on his head. He beckoned for Magnezone to descend so he could climb aboard his large pokemon. Just as he mounted, he heard a voice in the courtyard calling for him.
“Gino?! What are you doing?” It was Mavis, she hurried over, separating from a large group crossing the courtyard in a lively fashion. “You’re not at the hospital?” Gino asked. “You’re not home.” Mavis said, inspecting his heavily equipped form.
“There’s an emergency. Clay and I are taking care of it.” Gino began, looking at Mavis, who was not satisfied with his answer at all. “… Our communications are compromised.” He added.
“What do you mean? Like…” Mavis saw Gino hold a finger over the mouthpiece of his helmet, giving the ‘quiet’ signal. “Then… Well I understand why you wouldn’t call then, but… Oh! I have Kade with me. But he’s…” Mavis turned around, pointing to the group behind her.
Kade was drunkenly stumbling around with Dawud and all their pokemon. Gallade, Greninja, Chesnaught, Delphox, and an unfamiliar Pangoro were with them, all laughing and shouting by a small statue of a historic Kalos Region leader, unrecognizable by the snow and frost which covered it.
“We didn’t fetch for you since we thought you were with Tyrene. Either way, we can handle this. Keep Kade safe. And whoever else is with you.” Gino explained. “We’ll be good here, then. You know I have reserve pokemon on call at all times.” Mavis nodded her head with confidence.
Gino looked at her with somber eyes through his visor. “… Sorry. We left you in the dark.”
“Hey, if this is an emergency, then stop hanging around, dude, get going.” Mavis waved her hands, shooing Gino and Magnezone away. Gino nodded, patting Magnezone to ascend into the sky. After a few moments they were out of sight, flying through the dark clouds above. “…Good luck, Gino.” She said quietly before returning to the group, who were growing drunkenly curious as to what she was up to.
At the southeastern rim of the city where the edge of the Kalos mountain range began begins to form, the blinking red lights lining the dozens of communication towers painted the cloudy night with a bloody glow, on and off. At the base of one of these futuristic monoliths, Clay stood with his arms to his sides. In one hand he held a small remote. His other was clenched tightly on nothing. With each flash of the tower’s lights, his smooth, technologically sophisticated armor reflected it’s glow back. His face visor mirrored the tower, unmoving. Unbothered.
Within his visor, a simple heads-up display was pinging, signaling something was awry. But he stayed calm and focused, standing firmly at the tower’s base. ‘I’m just standing here. Come out and get me.’ He thought to himself.
It had been several minutes since he had arrived at the tower. Among all the nonsense presented on his HUD, his eyes drifted to the clock at the upper right of his vision. ‘2:52 A.M.’ it read. He was tired. Ever since the incident at the Triple C construction site, Clay would be lucky to find even 4 hours of sleep each night. He thought of Tyrene, and how she was recovering at the hospital. For a moment he felt envious of her position, getting to rest in a space for herself.
‘Focus’ Clay re-engaged to his situation. He held his head high as he listened and waited. The snowflakes were silent as they fell against the earth, only producing the faintest tapping sounds as they softly crashed into the radio tower’s metal surface.
Shapes from the other side of the radio tower suddenly caught Clay’s attention. Two human figures were revealed with each flash of the tower’s lights, staring back at him. A short, wide man wearing a grey parka with a fur lined hood stood accompanied by a tall figure whose face was obscured by some mask. They wore a wide brimmed hat and a trench coat and kept their hands calmly to their sides.
Clay equipped his rifle which was attached to a magnetic clip affixed to the back of his armor. He held it lowered to the ground for a moment, then began walking around the tower. As he trudged through the snow he noticed more shapes pop up. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see pokemon lurking in the darkness, stalking him from the slopes below.
The two human strangers made their way towards Clay, walking around the tower as well. They met at the side where the entrance of the tower’s fence was located. The two parties stopped about 30 feet from each other, where Clay had an even better look at the two.
The short man in the parka was someone Clay didn’t recognize. He had a commanding look about him while lacking the commanding presence. He just seemed like some ordinary middle aged man who didn’t seem like he had any business being in this remote location within the dead of night.
The other, however, sounded the alarms in Clay’s mind the moment he saw them. This individual fit the description Owen had given him of the person who attacked him at the parking garage by the Wellerton’s hotel. Clay had reviewed the security footage countless times in that area, and this person was an identical copy of Owen’s attacker.
‘Owen told me this guy can control the trajectory and momentum of his bullets. Sounds like a nasty trick. I’ll need to keep my eye out.’ Clay thought to himself as he thoroughly inspected him and his clothes, trying to pinpoint any weapons or hidden pieces of tech. But nothing out of the ordinary caught his eye, with the exception of the person’s mask and black goggles which completely obscured their face.
“This is a restricted area patrolled by the PRA. I’m gonna need to see your guy’s IDs.” Clay said with a booming voice, expecting them to present no such thing. “Evening to you, as well.” The short man greeted as he retrieved his phone from his coat pocket. From the phone screen he projected an image of his identification.
“My name is Ignazio Innis, and I am the Lumiose City Chairman of Communications. I’ve been notified that an unauthorized cut of connection has been granted to this radio tower. With its communication down, the functionality of all kinds of city services will be hindered. I’m sure the Rangers are aware of this and have simply made a mistake in giving the order. Ordinarily an engineer would tend to this type of manner but I will exercise my authority swiftly so that our communication lines are maintained and running. So I urge you, Captain, do NOT turn this tower off.
‘What is this?...’ Clay thought. He tilted his head toward the other. “Let me see your ID.” Clay ordered. “Sorry- He’s my security. He’s with me. And, let me remind you who I am. Just as members of the Pokemon Rangers report to their commanders of their respective region, that privilege of command is shared with the regional government, due to Kalos’ Bill of Protection. So do not be mistaken, Captain, you answer to me as if I am your Commander.” Frustration subtly emerged from Ignazio’s voice.
‘He knows my rank…. Gino, you were right on the money.’ Clay relaxed, looking up towards the top of the radio tower, where a singular white light shined brighter than the rest with each cycle of flashes. He took a deep breath. His visor remained clear; its specialized glass preventing his frozen exhale fog his vision. His HUD remained visible, showing several points clearly on a small map of the area in the bottom left of his vision. “You messed up. A Lumoise City Chairman is not a member of the regional government. You coming to me in person doesn’t make your statement any more convincing than if you were to talk down to me over the phone. But you probably wouldn’t be able to anyways, because… This radio tower is already off.”
Through the blinking red lights, Clay could see the stages of grief play out through Ignazio’s facial expression, as he squinted his eyes, shook his head, and let out a sigh as he relaxed again, lowering his shoulders. He turned to his bodyguard. “I’m not in the mood for this. Bag him. I’m sure he’s replaceable.” Ignazio grumbled.
Clay reacted the instant the bodyguard went to draw a pistol. Two shots fired from Clay’s AR came to a silent halt a few inches from the bodyguard’s outstretched hand. In that brief moment, Clay was in shock at what he saw. His bullets were floating motionless against the bodyguard’s hand.
The bodyguard shot Clay with his pistol. Sparks flew as it made contact with Clay’s armor. Suddenly Clay felt pressure from the bullet’s impact site. He looked down to see it still spiraling against his chest, and with some invisible force began to push against Clay harder and harder, until he couldn’t keep his feet planted in the snow.
The bullet seemingly launched Clay away from Ignazio and the bodyguard. As Clay flew away, he saw a flying pokemon, a Swanna, descend from the night sky and retrieve Ignazio. The two flew away, leaving the bodyguard to his own devices.
“ENGAGE!” Clay hollered as he flew. What he couldn’t see behind him was a Tyranitar primed and ready to intercept and pulverize Clay. But from within the steel confines of the radio tower, Empoleon appeared like blue lightning, attacking the Tyranitar and stopping Clay’s trajectory by catching him with the broad side of his fin.
Clay turned his body, causing the bullet to slip from his armor and whizz away behind him. “We got you, Captain!” Barbarossa’s static voice echoed through Clay’s helmet. Clay looked up to see three separate streaks of light shake violently around the Bodyguard’s head. Clay took two more shots at him. Nothing happened.
Clay spoke into his headset. “This guy has control of any bullet’s momentum. Those three streaks are the sniper shots you and your team took, Barbarossa. Even from far away, this guy was able to react and stop those shots from reaching him. Firearms won’t work.” Empoleon and Tyranitar’s battle intensified as Clay relayed this information. The ground shook. Beams of bright energy shot all around him from behind. The sounds of Empoleon’s razor sharp flippers clashing with Tyranitar’s claws echoed all throughout the snowy slopes.
“That’s all we got to support you, Clay!” Barbarossa replied. Clay looked at his map again, noticing the several dots that had been stalking him the whole time begin to retreat away from the radio tower, rather than engage with Clay.
‘What are they doing?’ Clay thought as he slid down the slope a ways to avoid the gunfire coming from the bodyguard. A cold realization hit him as he moved for more cover. “Shit! Barbarossa! Pokemon hostiles are headed your ways! All of you!” He shouted.
Clay threw his rifle to his side, and twisted a knob found against the inside of his left bicep on the armor he wore. ‘I brought this strike suit to fight pokemon had they followed through on their ambush. But this guy is threatening enough.’
Bold, digital text appeared in Clay’s vision. ‘Pokemon Technique Synthesis Engaged’ it read, followed by a numbered countdown. As it hit zero, the folds and indentations of the armor began to glow white. Clay felt himself become lighter and his movements more freeing. He bounded back up the slope, zoning in on the bodyguard again, who shot at him the moment he emerged into view.
With this new form of energy powering the combat suit Clay wore, its systems of analysis were heightened, as it calculated the travel path of the bullets heading for Clay. With this foresight provided for him, Clay held his hands outstretched and caught the rounds fired on him in his armored palms.
The bodyguard pointed a finger up, where the bullets in Clay’s hands began to gravitate upward. Clay held on briefly, as the invisible force that pulled these bullets quickly carried him a few dozen feet into the air. ‘I need to figure out how he’s doing this.’ He thought.
Clay then let go as the bullets sailed upward into the night sky. Clay then pointed his hands downward toward the bodyguard and began speaking into his headset. ‘Initiate technique ID. Zero. One. Five.’ He ordered, as he started to descend.
“Confirm!” The miniscule vents within the folds of his palms began to light up like the sun. Energy from the suit compacted into Clay’s hands as a blinding laser manifested. He aimed for the bodyguard as the laser burst into existence.
The bodyguard was encased in a white explosion of energy. Clay fell back to the ground, the legs of the suit absorbing the impact to ensure his safety. The light dissipated immediately, revealing the bodyguard still standing. Clay could see a blurry forcefield beyond the bodyguard’s outstretched hands.
“Another trick…” Clay growled, standing up straight and raising his fists. “Blow for blow it is.”
On the opposite side of the radio tower ridge from the city, Captain Barbarossa began packing his rifle up from his makeshift vantage point on a rocky overlook, just a little higher than Clay’s location at the PRA radio tower. As he slung his weapon over his back, he pulled his radio from his hip. “Well guys, sucks we only got one shot in but it looks like we’re evacin. Not sure the number of pokemon that dispersed from Captain Pendale’s area, but assume they got pokemon that’ll detect us no matter how dark it is. Jordan, Beth, how’re your escape routes?”
“Clear. I’m near the station so I’ll just hop on a train. Gino said to meet up at the hospital after the mission so that’s where I’ll be.” Beth radioed in. She slung her rifle over her shoulder and stretched her arms out, before climbing down from her vantage point on a water tower at the edge of city limits.
“Jordan?” Barbarossa called. There was a long pause on the frequency. “…Yea I hear you. I got my eyes on the dude that flew away on that Swanna, you see them, Gino?” Jordan asked.
Gino sat atop Magnezone as they hovered in the frigid air, 8000 feet above Lumiose City’s streets. Ice crystals had formed on the outer surface of Gino’s insulated combat armor. He glided his gloved finger across the surface of his tablet, giving him a satellite feed of everything that was happening beneath him. He had been watching Clay’s whereabouts intently on the screen, waiting for this scenario to play out. “I do.” Gino replied.
“Take them out, Gino! That’s our target!” Clay shouted over the radio during his heated battle with the bodyguard. The sounds of gunshots and energy blasts could be heard in the background colliding with his voice.
From the moment Clay had encountered Ignazio and his bodyguard, Gino marked them on his map, tracking them through his backup surveillance system he was operating solely from Magnezone’s back. He then retrieved three mechanical rods in the large satchel strapped to Magnezone, piecing them together in an instrument identical to a dowsing rod. After, he attached his tablet in a slot between two of the rods which operated as handles.
“Feel this signal. That’s our target. A man on a Swanna. Prepare an attack.” Gino said as he pointed his dowsing rod downward and pushed a button with his thumb, sending an invisible signal which bounced from Magnezone’s antenna towards the direction Gino was aiming.
Magnezone stopped hovering, letting his weight pull him down back towards Earth’s surface. Gino lunged from his pokemon’s back, his lighter mass separating him from Magnezone more and more the longer they fell. Gino kept his grip steady on the rod and the position he was aiming towards beneath them. The atmosphere was like thunder all around Gino as he reached maximum velocity, triumphantly keeping his dowsing rod steady, not taking his eyes away from his tablet.
But the speed at which Gino fell was nothing compared to Magnezone. Like a silver meteor, the electric type pokemon was barreling toward his target. A soft boom bloated the snowy clouds Magnezone passed through, as he reached sonic speeds in his descent.
Within a pokemon battle, a pokemon’s combat maneuvers are practiced over and over again to cement muscle memory within the learning pokemon. A maneuver can be any action ranging from a single punch to a complex motion of movements and blows, instructing the pokemon on what to concentrate on within the battle. A pokemon’s learned battle intuition, combined with a trainer’s battle strategy can create an incredibly deadly force for an opponent not prepared for such an onslaught. When a maneuver is crafted to both the trainer’s and the pokemon’s liking, the trainer will declare a title for it, enabling the pokemon to perform it at a moment’s notice.
“Thunder Charge.”
About a thousand feet below, Swanna flew over a residential area with the chairman, Ignazio Innis on their back. Ignazio covered his nose and mouth with his arm. “Slow down a little, will you? This wind is nipping me to pieces.” He complained, shivering a little.
The sound of the sonic boom, dampened by the clouds and snow, didn’t even reach Swanna or Ignazio before Magnezone made impact. Ignazio was obliterated. The combination of the Swanna’s right side being smeared off, and the amount of electricity which passed through their body killed the pokemon instantly. Magnezone then veered upward after completing his mission, avoiding the ground only hundreds of feet below.
On Gino’s tablet, he noticed Magnezone’s change in course, where he then aimed the dousing rod at himself. Feeling the signal, Magnezone flew up to where Gino was still falling through the clouds. Quickly the pokemon flew back to his trainer, matching Gino’s speed as he got closer, allowing Gino to grab back onto his back during their freefall.
As they flew back high into the sky, Gino directed his attention back to his radio frequency, trying to regain communications now that he could hear what was happening in his headset without the noise of the air thundering around him. “We’ll have to leave any remains. IF there’s any left.” Gino said.
Back at Barbarossa’s location, him and his pokemon, Toxicroak, were hurrying on foot down a dirt road leading away from the radio towers. Barbarossa spoke as he jogged with Toxicroak beside him. “Jordan, we’re headin down a service road west of our original spot. Can you and Pidgeot pick us up?” he huffed.
“We’re on our way.” Jordan’s static voice replied. “Whew, good. I’m gettin a lil-!” Toxicroak suddenly dashed towards Barbarossa, scooping him up under one arm and sidestepping to the side of the road, as an immense impact burst at their previous position, blowing snow and gravel all around.
“THE FUCK?!” Toxicroak let Barbarossa get to his feet and stood in front of him, ready to protect Barbarossa from whatever force had just attacked them. To Toxicroak’s horror, it wasn’t one assailant, but almost a dozen pokemon collapsing from the trees, almost surrounding him and Barbarossa in one coordinated ambush.
Toxicroak stiffened both arms outward on each side. A shotgun blast of toxic spikes erupted from both his palms, shooting in all directions beside him. Barbarossa, also seeing that he and Toxicroak were about to be completely surrounded, pulled a smoke grenade from his utility belt.
“Gurk-!” Toxicroak heard Barbarossa gasp behind him. For a split second as Toxicroak turned around, he could see a Weavile lunge towards Barbarossa. The sharp claw pokemon pierced through Barbarossa’s smoke grenade that he held, the pokemon’s icy claws gouging into Barbarossa’s chest.
The smoke grenade went off from the protrusion. Smoke enshrouded a 10 meter radius around Barbarossa and those close enough to be covered. From the back of the smoke cloud, Toxicroak burst onto the road in a dead sprint, carrying the critically wounded Barbarossa in both arms. For a moment the pokemon looked down to see the gaping wound in Barbarossa’s chest. “Sh- Shit, man!” Barbarossa sputtered.
“UP HERE!” Jordan shouted from above. Riding Pidgeot they soared over Toxicroak, swooping down to their level as they ran. Jordan peaked behind him to see what seemed like a hoard of various pokemon chase after them down the backcountry road.
Toxicroak leapt onto Pidgeot’s back alongside Jordan. Handling the additional weight, Pidgeot flew higher into the air, leaving any landbound pokemon pursuing them helpless in their endeavor to kill the Pokemon Rangers. But other flying pokemon part of the ambush stuck to their tail, causing Jordan to panic.
He took hold of Barbarossa, holding the Captain tightly while he quickly glanced at his wound. All he could make out in the dark and cold was a dark splotch in the center of his chest. “Toxicroak- protect us! We need to beeline for the hospital!” Jordan shouted. With incredible dexterity, Toxicroak planted his feet on Jordan’s shoulders. Jordan felt the pokemon rather weightless as he kept still, not wanting to hinder whatever Toxicroak was going to do with any sudden movements.
Toxicroak spotted three Crobats pursuing them. They attacked with slashes of wind, sharp projectiles that hurtled towards them like missiles. Toxicroak coated his hands in poison he manifested and one by one, chopped each energy slash as they came.
After the first barrage, Toxicroak spewed a fine stream of poison from his mouth. One Crobat directly behind them took the full force of Toxicroak’s attack, blasting the Crobat out of the sky. The other two sharply descended in response and began attacking from underneath Pidgeot.
Pidgeot felt sharp pains cut into his legs. He screeched in agonizing frustration as he kept his tempo, accelerating little by little as the dog fight flew over the city.
Toxicroak then dashed from Jordan’s shoulders, downward beside them and Pidgeot. He planted his feet firmly on the head of another Crobat, quickly charging an attack with a fist full of energized poison, and drilling Crobat in the top of the skull.
Toxicroak leapt from the Crobat towards the other, just as it went limp and dropped. But a sudden streak of orange interrupted Toxicroak’s flight path. From the fog of snow, a Talonflame burst onto the scene.
The scorching pokemon extended their wings in a blast of flames. Toxicroak was tossed upward by the force of the blast. Jordan turned his head to the light of fire behind him. Just in time, he was able to see Toxicroak get spiked down by Talonflame’s flaming breath.
Toxicroak plummeted to the Earth, out of sight. Pidgeot was the only one who could see him fall. He accelerated even more out of fear for the safety of Jordan and Barbarossa riding on his back. Expending energy faster and faster. Pidgeot began losing the Crobat and Talonflame in the cloud of snow. “WE’RE HEADING FOR THE HOSPITAL!!! BUT WE NEED FUCKING HELP NOW!!!” Jordan screamed into his radio.
After Beth had announced her evacuation plan over the radio, she neatly stacked all the equipment Gino had left her, as well as her rifle in a pile on the water tower she stationed herself on, knowing that Gino was planning to retrieve it with Magnezone after the mission had ended.
She knew she was by herself, and from what Clay had stated over the radio regarding the pokemon that had left his area to look for her and the rest of the Second Regiment, she needed to travel quickly and lightly. She removed her earphones and threw the hood of her jacket over her head before climbing down the water tower.
With hands in pockets, she walked quicky down the snowy path. She made it to a sidewalk on a dark, residential road where she straightened up, being more casual with her step. There was no traffic at this time of night. The roads were dead, and the only thing leading Beth to the nearest train station were the sparse streetlights overhead.
‘What a stupid mission.’ She thought to herself, remembering what she saw through the scope of her rifle when her and the rest of her regiment fired on Clay’s assailants. ‘What the hell even was that? Did we all miss?’
She entered the station, which was still brightly lit, however, completely empty. Winter’s ambience was muted within the station, where Beth soaked in its silent vibe as she waited for the 24-hour tramway to arrive. ‘2-minutes’ the glowing, digital schedule said on the glass monolith beside her.
Beyond the open air platform of the station, Beth could see the picturesque skyline of Lumiose City amplified by the low clouds hovering over. The buildings appeared brighter than usual during the night, almost matching the luminosity of the station’s overhead lights. She was entranced by the view as she stood concerned about Jordan and Barbarossa, hoping to see them waiting for her when she arrives at the hospital.
‘Those two have Pidgeot. They’ll make it to the hospital way before any train could.’ She reassured herself with a light nod. She kept her gaze on the city, as if she was trying to pull it closer to her, not seeing the red pincers of a Scizor wrap surround her head.
With her claw, Scizor clamped down on Beth’s skull and broke her neck with a quick twist of her arm, killing Beth instantly. She then tossed Beth’s limp body onto the train tracks below the platform. With tired eyes, the bug pokemon looked around the station, double checking to see if anyone was watching, before promptly leaving out the entrance
The tracks which carried the light of the incoming train caused Beth’s dull eyes to sparkle as the train passed over her, the conductor paying no mind. He intended to pass right through this empty station, as it was routine for nobody to be waiting for a train at this time of night.
Meanwhile, back at the radio tower, Clay rushed down the bodyguard while he blocked the incoming bullets disintegrating against his armor. He slashed at the bodyguard with a short beam of energy, like a blade protruding from his fist. The bodyguard would evade his attacks by lunging backward inhuman distances.
But no feat this bodyguard could pull was deterring Clay from taking him down. Every time the bodyguard dodged, Clay would dash, keeping the gap closed. All the while, Clay was thinking on different approaches to breaking through this invisible barrier between him and his enemy. He always felt it just as his attacks would reach the bodyguard.
‘I have to treat this fight like this is a pokemon.’ He thought. Their duel circled around the radio tower. Snow was blasted all about with each energized strike Clay released from his armor. ‘Maybe I need more mass.’
“Initiate technique ID. Two. Eight. Two.” Clay ordered. He looked at the energy gauge at the bottom of his vision, seeing that the power supply of his suit was running low.
(((Icicle Crash)))
“Confirm!” Clay yelled again as he took a knee. A thin burst of light emanated from Clay’s suit. The bodyguard braced himself for another blast, only to see Clay staying still in the snow. He then looked up, to see enormous ice crystals formed over his head.
The giant icicles fell onto the bodyguard. He held his hands up as his unusual barrier revealed itself once more, taking the force of the icicles head on. Ice shattered all around him as he stood still, tanking the hit.
Clay watched closely, noticing ripples fluctuate in the air, indicating the presence of the bodyguard’s barrier. They were intense as they absorbed the shock from the many icicles falling overhead. Then, Clay noticed the diameter of the barrier shrink slightly as the barrage of icicles continues. ‘I see now. You’re not invincible.’
The bodyguard pulled his arms towards his body with clenched fists. Suddenly, Clay felt a shock against his back, as the countless bullets that had passed him during their battle, suddenly shot back towards the bodyguard in all directions, catching Clay in the crossfire.
Once again, the strength of every round intensified, pushing on the back of Clay harder and harder, until he was lifted off his feet and soared towards the bodyguard, against his will. From his trench coat, the bodyguard pulled out a short pump shotgun. Once Clay was 10 feet from him, he fired.
The clash of bullets on both sides of Clay shattered his armor around his stomach and lower back. A horrendous pain shot through him as he was pummeled through the chain link fence of the radio tower and crumpled against one of the tower’s support beams.
In his visor, Clay was bombarded by alerts warning him of a breach through the armor’s exoskeleton. He felt the armor suddenly grow heavy over his right leg. He quickly glanced at his energy levels, seeing that he had about 20% remaining which slowly ticked down to 19, which indicated the suit’s energy was leaking. Through his snow-smeared visor, he could see the bodyguard rushing towards him.
“Zero. Six. Four.” Clay grunted.
“Confirm.” Instantly, Clay’s armor split apart, crumpling into evenly sized shapes which began rotating around the breastplate which remained on his chest. The breastplate acted as a center of gravity for the rest of the armor pieces which spun faster and faster all around Clay. The bodyguard halted his charge, seeing this anomaly intensify around Clay.
The energy of the suit stored in the breastplate burst in all directions in magnetic waves. The pieces of armor orbiting Clay exploded outward at super sonic speeds. The invisible forcefield around the bodyguard deflected the shrapnel, causing bright ripples to circle the bodyguard.
Other pieces of shrapnel shredded through the support beam of the tower Clay was leaning against, as well as the surrounding beams and wires running along the rest of the tower above. After the shrapnel flew past, the bodyguard lowered his arms trying to see what Clay would do next.
Instead of Clay, the bodyguard reeled back as he saw the tower begin to tip. The screaming of crunching and bending metal loudened. The tower began falling towards the bodyguard. He hurried to a clearing away from the tower’s path of impact, watching the tower crash into the snowy hillside, crushing itself from its immense weight.
Snow and dust burst everywhere from the tower’s fall. For a moment the bodyguard waited far from the crash site to see any movement, but to his dismay he saw Clay’s Empoleon rise from the darkness on the other side of the hill. The bodyguard turned and slipped away into the night. There was frustration to his step, his heavy breathing emanating as pulsing static underneath his mask. But a win is a win. He carried on, allowing the battle to conclude.
Owen climbed up the grated stairway to the roof of the hospital with Mismagius at his side. He opened the door to the rooftop, seeing Gino and Magnezone already there, looking out over the edge of the building, towards the distant ridge of towers blinking in unison. “…It went down.” Gino said.
“What?” Owen called out from behind him. Gino turned. “Emergency.” Gino held out a rifle to Owen as he and Mismagius approached. “What’s going on, Gino?” Owen asked, taking the rifle into his hands.
“The Second Regiment is under attack.” Gino held up a pair of high-powered, long distance binoculars and looked through them, scanning above the city skyline between them and the hill where the tower had fallen.
“11 o’clock” Gino said. Owen lifted the rifle scope to his eye. “Mismagius, show me daylight.” He requested. The small pokemon which hovered beside him muttered to herself as she drew close, placing a ghastly hand against Owen’s head.
The dark of night which shrouded Owen’s vision dissolved into light, giving a contrast between solid objects and winter’s air. Far above some distant apartment buildings, Owen could see Pidgeot flying towards them, with Jordan and Barbarossa hunched over on the pokemon’s back. “Is that Pidgeot with those two guys riding the Second?” Owen asked.
Gino could see a much closer image of Pidgeot and the two pokemon pursuing, but their shapes were shrouded in night only revealed by the city lights below. “Yes. They’re being tailed. You see?” Gino watched, concerned to see Toxicroak was not with them.
“I see uhh…. Crobat… and a Talonflame right behind them.” Owen identified. “…They’re not doing much. Just kind of…. following” He commented.
“They will follow here. They won’t make a spectacle. Not over a dense population area.” Gino said. “With that being said, should I wait to drop ‘em?” Owen asked while zeroing in on Crobat. “I’ll signal you.”
Jordan clung to Barbarossa, frozen in fear. He anticipated an attack from Crobat or Talonflame at any moment, but for almost a minute now, it was all quiet from the assailants behind. ‘They must be following us.’ He thought. He looked down at Barbarossa who was barely breathing. His eyes were shut from the freezing wind, and blood dripped from his lips as he shivered.
“Get ready.” Gino said. Owen took a deep breath. “Mismagius, curse my rounds.” With her other hand, Mismagius reached across and gently touched the broadside of Clay’s rifle. A dim, violet glow emanated from Owen’s weapon.
Pidgeot began the slight descent towards the hospital. Jordan was frantically looking around the building, hoping to see any people or pokemon. No way would Crobat and Talonflame attack them with onlookers, he thought. If this was the reason they were following instead of attacking, then maybe there was a chance of evading them.
But no movement could be seen at this time of night, despite the full parking lot and lit windows of the hospital. In this pivotal moment, Jordan saw no shape of human or pokemon anywhere around the hospital.
Jordan heard a sudden CRACK loudly erupt from behind him. He nearly jumped from his skin, anticipating Crobat or Talonflame to finally make their move. But in his peripheral vision, he saw Crobat plummet to the pavement beneath. Talonflame then dashed downward towards the fallen Crobat.
The flame pokemon scooped up Crobat’s body, seeing a massive hole blasted straight through them. Talonflame spared no time making their escape from the parking lot, carrying the Crobat’s body away from the hospital.
Pidgeot crash landed onto the roof of the hospital. Jordan fell from the pokemon’s back with Barbarossa still wrapped in his arms. Gino and Owen ran over with their pokemon. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, Gino the Captain’s bleeding out! Fuck-.” Jordan was panicking, clutching his captain tightly as he lay gasping for life.
“Get him a bed.” Gino ordered. Owen was still looking over the edge of the hospital, his night vision still in full effect as he was scanning for the Talonflame which recovered his kill. “Owen. Focus.” Gino raised his voice. “Yep, yep.” Owen turned back around and helped them get Barbarossa inside the hospital.
Clay awoke to the sound of metal creaking. With his helmet still on he looked around to see he was lying in a divot underneath the collapsed radio tower. The visor had no power, reduced to a slab of glass resting in front of Clay’s eyes.
“HUUO-!!” Clay recoiled at the pain in his side. He ripped his helmet off, grabbing a flashlight from his belt still attached to him. He looked at his wound carefully, trying not to let his heart race. No more than 3 holes in his side were visible and caked in red. As he wiped the blood away, he analyzed the pain he felt in silence.
‘The bullets entered too far to the right to hit any organs. And they passed through completely… That’s good.’ He thought, retrieving a medical patch from his belt. He stuck it right over his wound like a large band-aid. The patch sealed itself to Clay’s skin with a foaming adhesive, stopping any blood from escaping.
He then heard metal screech above him. He froze, watching for any movement above him. Steel beams were suddenly flung away right over him. Empoleon leaned over the opening he made, peering into the divot Clay lie defenseless in.
“You took care of them?....” Clay groaned. The feeling of being backed into a corner crept down his spine. ‘No…’ he thought. ‘I should be safe.’
He climbed through the strangled beams, holding his patch, making sure it wouldn’t slip off. Clay flinched at Empoleon who reached down to help Clay out of the last tangle of metal. “They knew to split us up… That masked man in the hat almost killed me.”
Clay reoriented himself as he looked out to the city. The distant lights of a helicopter coming their way flickered far above the skyline, probably the police or other government authorities. “We should leave.” Clay said, ignoring the blood covering Empoleon’s razor sharp flippers.
The pokemon didn’t move. Clay walked past him before pausing. “… One of those men was a leader of Lumiose City. Gino killed him. We’re…. getting closer, Empoleon. And I think they know it too. Now, we’ll give each other no quarter.” Clay looked at the fallen tower in its entirety. It’s lights were off, leaving the area a black spot within the row of flickering towers. No more could he see the snow that patted his face.
All he could see were the smooth edges of Empoleon’s flippers reflecting the light around them, and the pokemon’s starry, wrathful eyes. Yet against the snow, the dark lumps that lay within it were more visible without the overhead lights of the recently crushed tower overpowering the surrounding darkness. Clay could now see the bodies of Tyranitar, and other various pokemon scattered on the hillside, all of which had been waiting to ambush Clay and Empoleon. Again, Empoleon was efficient at his work. The real strength of a Pokemon Ranger, obscured by the cover of night.
“I will climb… As many bodies as it takes to find the people we’re looking for. No matter what I have to do, I will save this city. I’ll put my Ranger identity on the line… Everything…”
“That’s how it’s always been. I know you remember.”